Wednesday, April 1, 2009

till the end of time...

I was browsing through some old photgraphs of my friends and I. As I began flipping through the images I began questioning myself half og these people I don't talk to anymore,Why?The other half I just completly lost touch,Why? I guess,its just a matter of time that we all began growing up.Although im 16 years old I am quite tired of wondering how old friends are doing,hope there ok.I do know that God is taking care of them wherever they may be. Im happy for the friendships that I have now.Although at times it may be rough,which is all normal but friendship is something more then an old photograph to make memories,more then a hi&bye when we see eachother,its a form of respect and love for another human.
God bless

The future depends on what we do in the present.

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