Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Dear readers,
So I've recently been going through what I call "obstacles"...regardless of my age,or stage in life it is common for most of us to continually have giants we face right?

Not giants as in the football team,Lol but problems and they can come in your Life and can come at you and very hard.

As I am going through these obstacles im also dealing with CHANGE!(thanks obama?) haha...just a little humor.

I've recently been reading a book called "HE MOTIONS" by . Rev.T.D JAKES...although the book is intended to be read by men...it has helped me view certain aspects and view life well how men do I can say...

As I've read and thought really our giants,are killed by right choices,and choices are something one must generally make alone.as the cliche saying goes,they can make you or break you.Many good people are the ones who deal with feeling carcerated at an early age.I too am a victim of that.

Some of us get caught up in those roles that society and culture dress us up in.Some become even uncomfortable with themselves dude to the fact they give into it.
But as the good Lord says we are his children and he created our image in him.We are each imbued with unique gifts, strengths, talents, and worth unlike anyone else.
In the book it mentions 5 steps that really have been helping me through these tough times.
Here they are:

1.Confront what is threatening you: Don't pretend that it will go away just because you don't think you can bear to face it.Don't be intimidated by it just because its bigger then you are.

2.Level what you've learned in the past against what you face in the future: Don't look to be rescued by others or to find a secret somewhere beyond your reach.Recall yesterdays trials and how you've slain giants from your past.

3.Don't let the spectators and speculators break your focus from the real villain: its tempting to look away from the eyes of your problem and seek advice,counsel,and solutions from others.There's always certainly a place for wisdom in your family,friends and colleagues.

4.Never assume a problem is dead just because its dazed: Make sure you kill your giant and don't simply leave him unconscious to return and sneak up on you another day.

5.Use the enemy's sword against him.Kill him with his own sword!: without stooping to unethical practices or immoral behavior,you should be willing to fight with the same intensity level as your opponent.Learn what you can from your enemy and apply it from your weakness.

And to close this thought,always,always persevere toward the vision of what you were made for.

God bless keep reading:)

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